Delivery Information
Shipping is free on all orders (unless otherwise stated)
Expected Shipping deadline 9-15 days
Once your order is placed, BARNAK provides information on your order by email. If you have multiple items on your order, you may receive additional emails for each item.
We'll send a Shipment Notification email when the item ships from our warehouse. The Shipment Notification email includes the carrier name, tracking number, and a when sent from warehouse. You can click the tracking number link to track your package on the carrier's website.
Expected transfer deadlines do not include:
- Reception day
- Non-working days of reception and delivery postal operator
- Retention time of items at customs
Delivery time vary according to your selected delivery address. A signature may be required for delivery.
Delivery is subject to stock availability. We'll contact you as soon as possible if we foresee any kind of delay.
99 point something percent of orders are delivered to plan but occasionally deliveries are affected by factors that are beyond our control - traffic jams, bad weather etc. - and there is therefore by definition no such thing as a "guaranteed" delivery, whether from us or from anyone else...
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